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Version: 4.4.0

Waypoint Modification

Waypoint parameters

Once one or a group of Waypoints has been selected you can modify its parameters just as any other object it has a Transform, and it also has other parameters :

  • Interpolation type : sets the interpolation type to Line, Spline, Joint or Joint Spline,
  • Blend : For Line or Joint adding blending will adjust the trajectory to make it pass close to the waypoint but not directly on it in order to keep a continuous and constant speed without having a pause,
  • Pause : Sets the pause time in seconds at the waypoint (only for Joint and Line without blending),
  • IK Solution : Sets the seed of the trajectory at this waypoint to the chosen IK solution (only for the first WP of a trajectory)
  • Align axis with tangent : This tool allows user to align all the Waypoints in a trajectory with the path of the trajectory.
  • IO : shows present IO configuration of the waypoint (see IO Documentation)


In Fuzzy Studio, every element’s position is defined in space by its Transform Parameter.


A transform is composed of a Reference Frame element (1) and a Position and Rotation element (2).

The Reference Frame allows user to select which Frame will be displayed and manipulated in the Position and Rotation element, which is usefull if multiple elements are selected and it is also possible to select the w.r.t (with relation to) element, which selects the reference used to calculate your Frame's position

The position and the rotation of an element is expressed relatively to the Reference element. Rotations are set according to Euler XYZ extrinsic conventions.

The Reference Frame element can be the world origin, the origin of a CAD, a Reference Frame or the origin of a trajectory.

Apply rotation to all

When multiple Waypoints are selected you can tick the Apply rotation to all box in order to enable this mode.

If it is enabled, any rotation change applied to the last selected Waypoint (with the Gizmo or by changing its value) will copy its orientation to all the other selected ones.


Interpolation type

Fuzzy Studio generates trajectories depending on the trajectory type set for each of its Waypoint.


By default, each new Waypoint is set to be created in Spline Mode but it can be modified easily in the Waypoint params panel or for each waypoint in a trajectory.




The exact same 3 Waypoints produce very different movements when they are assigned a different trajectory mode !



Joint motion




The Spline motion type is a smooth cartesian curve passing by at least 3 waypoints. It produces a smooth movement that is continuous in speed. That allows the robot to pass by the exact pose of each waypoint without making any pause when it reaches it.

When less than 3 consecutive waypoints are in Spline mode, it produces the same movement as a Linear motion type.



The Linear motion type is a straight line in cartesian space that links two waypoints.

Due to the straighteness of the point creation, the movement is not continuous in speed, which causes pauses at every Waypoint.

That can be modified with the Blending parameter.



The Joint motion type is a straight line in the robots joint space that links two waypoints : the start position corresponds to one joint configuration for the robot, the end position corresponds to a second joint configuration and every joint will get with constant speed from its start position to its end position. That results in a movement in between two consecutive waypoints that may not feel natural in our cartesian perspective but it is the straightest movement for the robot.

This has the advantage that if both the start and end position of a trajectory are reachable, then every part of the Joint trajectory in between those point are also reachable by the robot.

This movement is not either continuous in speed so it induces pauses at every waypoint.



The blending parameter is a tolerance parameter added to a waypoint that smoothens the trajectory by allowing the trajectory to pass close to the waypoint without passing exactly by it.

It is set in % of 45% of the smallest segment in between this waypoint and the one surrounding it.

The principal interest of the blending is that it allows to avoid pauses at waypoints for Linear and Joint movement types.

Align axis with tangent


The Align axis with tangent tool allows to change the orientation of all the Waypoints in the trajectory in order to align the Align mode axis with the path of the trajectory when clicking the Compute alignement button.


Adding IOs

In order to add any IO to a Waypoint, please refer to the IO Management part of the documentation.