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Version: 4.12.0

Scene tree

The Scene tree is a panel present on a toggle menu on the top left of Fuzzy Studio that allows to see, select, suppress and hide all Objects present on the Scene. You can also add parentality properties to objects that will link Children Objects to Parent Objects. When you move Parent Objects, every Children Object will be moved by the same amount on the world.

By clicking the icon on the top right of the Scene tree, you can extend it into an floating window.

You can choose to hide or show the Scene tree in Tools by clicking the top left menu.


Changing the objects parenting scheme

You can Drag and Drop Objects on other ones in order to make them Children and Parent and Link them.


Here the Work piece is made Child of the Reference Frame, so if The Reference Frame (Parent) is moved the Work piece follows its movement but if the Work piece (Child) is moved, the Reference Frame doesn’t move.

You can lock objects in the scene tree by clicking the lock button at the right of an object's name. This will disable the transform editor for this object, preventing any unwanted movements. You can unlock an object at any time.


You can hide an object in the scene by clicking the eye button.
