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Version: 4.1.0

Control bar

In Fuzzy Studio you can use the Control bar in order to control the playing of a trajectory !


You have access to :

(1) A progression slider that shows your progression in the trajectory

(2) A Speed Override that changes the play speed of the trajectory (only when connected to Fuzzy RTOS !) and also shows the TCP speed at the players location.

(3) An approach trajectory button that will create a PTP trajectory from your robots actual position to the first waypoint of your trajectory

(4) A preview button that will start the playing of a trajectory preview in the main screen

(5) Two Backward/Forwards button that turn into a Pause bouton when a trajectory is playing (only when connected to Fuzzy RTOS !)

(6) A indicator of the actual time of the trajectory and the global duration of it

(7) A indicator of the Trajectory name and of the Robot Name